Lead has recently been classified as a Substance of Very High Concern by the EU under REACH regulations. Knauf Safeboard is the ideal lead-free plasterboard designed for X-ray environments and has been fully tested by the Health Protection Agency.
Knauf Safeboard is an X-ray resistant plasterboard with barium sulphate in its core, unlike any other product currently on the market. It effectively and significantly reduces the amount of lead needed within X-ray shielding partitions and, in many cases, removes the need for the use of lead altogether. As lead is often subject to volatile pricing, this makes Knauf Safeboard both a cost-effective and a safe solution.
The distinctive yellow core of the barium sulphate within Knauf Safeboard is the vital ingredient which blocks X-rays across the entire surface area. Each board is rigorously tested to ensure radiation tightness so you can be confident Knauf Safeboard is suitable for use within hospitals, dentists and veterinary practices.
Like other products in Knauf’s plasterboard range, Knauf Safeboard is designed to provide the right solution to ensure buildings are constructed for the world we live in. Knauf Safeboard is easy to install, unlike lead which is very heavy, and does not require specialist construction skills. It can simply be scored and snapped then fixed into place before the application of Knauf Safeboard Joint Filler and finished with Knauf Airless spray-applied plaster.
200m2 of Knauf Safeboard was used at the Peninsula Dental School in Plymouth and was given a vote of confidence by the NHS radiology department who witnessed the installation on-site at various stages. The architect working on the project, Rich Smith from Architects Design Group said: “Safeboard was clearly superior to the alternatives.”
Knauf Safeboard is fully fire resistant and achieves excellent acoustic performance in addition to its X-ray protection.