In July 2017, Knauf UK/Ireland adopted a Distraction-Free Driving Policy applicable to company car and/or mobile phone users.
Based on independent expert evidence, removing the distraction of a mobile phone from the cockpit of a vehicle significantly reduces risk and improves safety. We took this decision for the safety of our people. As a result we have had to manage the way we do business to ensure we continue to provide the best possible service to our customers.
We also ensure the vehicles that our employees drive are always in the best possible condition for travel, with the introduction of mandatory monthly car safety checks.
We have partnered with Brake, the road safety charity, to further understand the importance of safety and to share advice/tools across the Knauf team.
We have made significant progress and the Knauf team are safer as a result. We will relentlessly continue to find new ways to further improve the safety of our people.
2017 v 2016 – Safety Stats
- Reported incidents/accidents: 32% reduction
- Road traffic offences: 50% reduction
- EVERY company car driver submits a car safety check EVERY month: 100%
Other safety improvements launched and embedded:
- Introduction of Knauf Gold Dust – incident reporting system (e.g. driving too fast in the car park)
- Successful adoption of Glympse app to allow colleagues/contacts/family members aware of whereabouts
- Successful adoption of Do Not Disturb Whilst Driving Mode and iPhone Medical ID.
- How easy have Knauf employees found the process of adopting the distraction-free driving policy? “EASY” (monthly employee surveys) and ease is improving month on month.
Hints and tips shared across teams to manage the Distraction-Free Driver Policy:
- Scheduling in time to return calls
- Schedule calls
- Pull over during long journeys
- Fanatic discipline
- Plan ahead
- Make contacts aware movements to manage expectations
- Planned breaks to catch up on calls
- Preparation
- More efficient use of email