Main Content

Environmental Policy

Knauf recognises that its operations and activities impact on the local and global environment in a number of ways and as such are committed to continually reducing these environmental impacts.

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Safety & Wellbeing

Knauf is committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and other people who may be affected by our activities, and to continually improve our safe working environment.

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Energy Statement

This policy covers the Immingham and Sittingbourne Production sites, Knauf UK is committed to achieving continual improvement in its energy performance and operates an energy management system.

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Sustainability Policy

Knauf recognises that our purchasing decisions impact upon society and the environment well beyond the immediate scope of our own operations.

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Distraction-free Driving Policy

Driving requires full concentration to be as safe as possible; hence, the implementation of such a policy by Knauf to protect its employees whilst on the road.

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Modern Day Slavery Statement

Knauf UK GmbH and the Knauf Group recognise our moral and ethical responsibilities to do all that we can to ensure that our business and supply chain is slavery free.

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Tax Strategy Statement

This statement sets out the UK tax strategy of Knauf (UK) GmbH ("the company") tax resident with a permanent establishment in the UK.

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Gender Pay Gap Report

At Knauf UK we believe in promoting equality and diversity within our workforce and we welcome the opportunity to publish our gender pay gap information.

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Terms of Purchase

These General Purchasing Terms shall apply exclusively for all our orders and requests.

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Quality Policy

Knauf takes pride in the products and services we provide and we recognise that the true measure of our quality will always be judged through the eyes of our customers and people who use our products.

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Real Living Wage

The Living Wage is an hourly rate calculated according to the basic cost of living in the UK. It is updated annually and set independently. Employers may choose to pay the Living Wage on a voluntary basis.

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Social Responsibility & Business Ethics Policy

We require all employees of Knauf, all third parties that represent the Company directly or indirectly, such as our supply chain, consultants, representatives, distributors, joint venture partners and any other third parties that supply goods or services to the Company, to meet our standards and ensure compliance with all matters relating to social responsibility and business ethics. 

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Supplier Code of Conduct

Knauf is committed to ethical, legally correct and socially responsible business management. We also expect this behaviour from everyone with whom we do business with.

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